Spain: open for (new) business

“Spain back on growth path after two years. Return fuels foreign demand for toxic loans.”
(Financial Times, October 24, 2013)

“Bill Gates is paying €113.5 million for a 6% stake in FCC …, in the latest in a series of deals
that signal a shift in perceptions about the Spanish economy among global investors.”

(The Wall Street Journal, October 22, 2013)

Spain has recently undergone a radical transformation of its financial system and a new economic structure is slowly emerging: large corporates are benefitting from their geographic diversification, stronger banks and a very active private equity sector. Unlike many other jurisdictions, Spain has been fairly open to the participation of foreign investors, including in
its financial sector.

Together with Arcano, the leading Spanish independent investment bank, we will look at underlying economic trends, changes in the regulatory landscape and the resulting business opportunities, with a particular focus on the acquisition of non-performing loans and other distressed assets.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

9.00am Registration
9.15am Welcome
Conrado Tenaglia, Co-Managing Partner, New York office, Linklaters
9.30am The case for Spain
Ignacio de la Torre, Partner, Madrid, Arcano Group
10.15am Approaching foreign distressed investments in Spain
Rafael Molina, Partner, Madrid, Linklaters
Victor Manchado, Partner, Madrid, Linklaters
10.45am Q&A

Linklaters LLP
1345 Avenue of the Americas (between 54th and 55th Streets)
19th Floor
New York, NY 10105

Please RSVP by Tuesday, November 5th using the links below.

We welcome you to extend this invitation to any interested colleagues.
Kindly note that space is limited.

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