Linklaters advises UNITe, the French independent renewable energy producer and developer on the exit of OMNES/BpiFrance/Société Générale Capital Partenaires and entry of Ardian Clean Energy Evergreen Fund’s (ACEEF) to its share capital

Linklaters has advised UNITe, the French independent multi-technology renewable energy producer and developer with more than 1.5 GW of projects in operation under development on the exit of OMNES/BpiFrance/Société Générale Capital Partenaires and entry of the Ardian Clean Energy Evergreen Fund’s (ACEEF) to its share capital.

UNITe – Hydrowatt Group is recognised as the leading independent player in small hydro in France, with 36 powerplants, and one of the most promising photovoltaic developers. For almost 40 years, the UNITe Group has been reconciling the need for energy with respect for the environment. Today, UNITe is one of the leading independent producers of low-carbon, local, sustainable and competitive electricity in France and was ranked third nationally for tenders issued by the Commission de Regulation de l'Energie last year. 

UNITe welcomes Ardian as reference shareholder of the company, through its Clean Energy Evergreen Fund (ACEEF). Omnes, Bpifrance (Fonds Impact Environment team) which invested in 2018, and Société Générale Capital Partenaires, which invested in 2010, agreed to sell their stake in UNITe to Ardian after successfully completing the objective they set themselves, in which UNITe has consolidated its position as an independent power producer and developer. 

This investment will support a new chapter of growth for UNITe.

The Linklaters team was led by Nicolas Le Guillou, partner, with Arthur Belmer, Victor Duterne, Anne-Sophie Hartog, associates in Corporate M&A, Géric Clomes, partner in Employment and Pierre Sikorav, counsel in Public law.  

The transaction is subject to the usual regulatory approvals.