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Competition eLearning

Your training solution

With increased regulatory pressure and a greater need to demonstrate individual and corporate compliance within your organisation, our eLearning  Competition course can play a vital role in delivering competition risk management training to help identify problems and instil a culture of compliance.

The course is extremely flexible and allows users to learn at their own pace and time.

Breaking the rules may result in both civil and criminal penalties. It is important that your executives and employees understand the rules and keep them in mind.

What does the course cover?

Our competition eLearning course delivers commercial and practical risk management training through the following four modules.

Insider Dealing Information and details

Contact with competitors

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Insider dealing dealing and clearance

Abuse of dominance

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Insider dealing additional resources

Dawn raids

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Image of hands up

Vertical Restraints

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Some more information


Why use this course

The course combines the market leading expertise of our Antitrust & Foreign Investment practice, with the extensive experience of our eLearning team, to deliver the highest quality training.

The course includes interactive, scenario-based training with questions at key points within the scenarios to confirm/reaffirm the learner’s understanding. Responses to these “have you understood” questions are not recorded as part of the overall course assessment but the information contained will convey to the learner how to deal with similar situations effectively.

It is easy to navigate through each screen and section of the course, combining the right mix of text and imagery to deliver an effective learning experience.

Customising your course

Our course is made up of four independent modules: Contact with Competitors, Abuse of Dominance, Dawn Raids and Vertical Restraints. Depending on your requirements, you can decide to roll-out one, two, three or all four of these modules.

Our course can be translated into any other language. We are also able to ensure that the legal content of the course reflects the local rules and regulations in specific jurisdictions around the world.

Using our understanding of your industry sector, we can work with you to ensure that the content of the course is as relevant as possible and accurately reflects industry scenarios. Typically, this will involve adding new sector specific case studies, imagery and Q&As.

We encourage you to create your own course welcome/closing pages to highlight your company’s commitment to regulatory compliance, the importance of training and to integrate the course within your wider compliance programme. It is also possible to re-brand the course to achieve your internal ‘look and feel’, include actual company experiences and link to your policies, procedures and key contacts.

Delivering your course

The course operates within companies’ own compliance framework without the need for any changes. But we can also customise the course further if you wish - around a third of subscribers have had the course adapted further in this way.

We will work with you to ensure the course is compatible with your learning environment. The course is designed to comply with market standard tracking software (SCORM) and can be integrated with almost any Learning Management System.



Our course is sold on a global licence basis (for an unrestricted number of users across your organisation).

For more information please contact one of our Antitrust & Foreign Investment lawyers

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