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FCA consumer duty

The FCA’s Consumer Duty is a significant challenge to a complex ecosystem – the intricate reef of UK financial services firms, infrastructure and regulation – with far-reaching implications even for firms with no direct retail contact.

Firms must act swiftly, with the Consumer Duty applying to most products and services from July 2023. Our London Financial Regulation team is ready to help you to navigate these shifting waters.

The insights below have been developed to help you understand the impact of the Duty on your organisation. We are also working with clients to build commercial solutions to implementation challenges, rooted in the unique insight our market-leading enforcement work gives us into past industry failures and designed to withstand future regulatory scrutiny. These include online tools, framework documents and bespoke reviews. Please speak to any of the contacts below if you would like to hear how we can help you.


Revisit our recent webinars

Price and value, and recent TCF enforcement

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The Consumer Duty: Early Autumn Update

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The Consumer Duty: Over the horizon: what's next after the Consumer Duty's final implementation deadline?

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The Consumer Duty: a risk management approach to your ongoing implementation work

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The Consumer Duty: greenwashing and promotions

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The Consumer Duty: preparing your first Board report

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The Consumer Duty: uplifting your price and value work

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The Consumer Duty through an enforcement lens

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The Consumer Duty and closed products: maintaining your momentum

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The Consumer Duty: transitioning to business-as-usual compliance, and other next steps

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Meeting the Consumer Duty deadline: what your Board needs to know

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Behavioural biases and the Consumer Duty – with special guests from the Behavioural Insights Team

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Asset Management Spotlight: Enforcing the Consumer Duty

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Behavioural biases and the Consumer Duty – with special guests from the Behavioural Insights Team

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The Consumer Duty - Vulnerable customers, target markets and segmentations

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The Consumer Duty - the price and value outcome

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The Consumer Duty – navigating the consumer understanding outcome

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The FCA’s Consumer Duty: 12 key questions

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The FCA’s Consumer Duty – Scoping and setting up implementation for success

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The FCA’s Consumer Duty – In conversation with Ian Searle, FCA Head of Consumer Policy & Outcomes

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Consumer Duty Roundtable: Private Banking and Wealth Management

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Wholesale broker-dealers, Investment banks, Financial intermediaries

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Asset managers, wealth managers and private banks

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Retail challengers and payments

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The Consumer Duty

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Implications and implementation for all firms

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Our podcast episodes

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