Image of Els Janssens

Els Janssens

Senior Associate / Senior K&L Manager, Brussels



Els is an expert in financial law, with a significant experience advising clients on banking transactions and financial regulation. As a Senior Associate, she delivers valuable training and guidance both within the firm and to clients, while also overseeing client initiatives related to financial law developments.

In her capacity as Head of Knowledge & Learning for Belgium, Els leads the Knowledge, Learning & Development, Information & Research, and Digital Services functions. Her leadership ensures that our clients have access to the most well-equipped and knowledgeable lawyers.

Professional experience

2016 Senior Associate / Head of Knowledge & Learning, Linklaters Brussels
2012 Managing Knowledge Lawyer, Linklaters Brussels
2010 Knowledge Lawyer, Linklaters, Brussels
2007 Client secondment at Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Brussels
2005 Associate, Linklaters De Bandt, Brussels


2008–2009 Leuven University, Corporate Finance
2000–2005 Antwerp University, Master in Law
2003–2004 Antwerp University, Academic teaching degree


Dutch, English, French


Capital markets union: action plan and legislative proposals unveiled”, Practical Law Company Magazine, November 2015

“De definitieve afwikkeling van betalings- en effectentransacties – het gewijzigd juridisch kader”, Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht/Recueil de Droit Commercial 2013/7, pp. 571-583

“Financiële bijstand: van principieel verbod tot voorwaardelijke toelating” in Bank- en Financieel Recht/Droit bancaire et financier 2009/III, pp. 115-125 (with Jacques Richelle)

The unfair terms prohibition in Article 5.52 of the new Civil Code and financial services in a B2B context: balancing fairness with legal certainty”, Corporate Finance Blog, December 2022.