Juan Sanchez Pueyo

Juan M. Sanchez Pueyo

Arbitration Managing Associate, Amsterdam

"My practice is centered on international commercial and investment arbitration and related court proceedings, as well as advising clients in crisis management and providing pre-litigation advice. I strive to deliver practical, spot on advice to my clients."


Professional experience

Education and qualifications

Published works


Juan is a Managing Associate in the Amsterdam Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations team, with a specific focus on international commercial and investment arbitration. Juan has a decade of experience acting as counsel in arbitrations and arbitration-related court proceedings, such as enforcement proceedings and setting aside proceedings. Juan also has experience before commercial courts, such as the Netherlands Commercial Court. Juan regularly advises client in crisis management and pre-litigation.

Work highlights

Juan's most notable deals include advising:

  • U.S. based investors: advising in setting aside and enforcement proceedings against India in relation to two awards in the satellite sector worth over a billion USD; 
  • a major Chinese tech company: in multibillion arbitration proceedings before an arbitral tribunal under the NAI Arbitration Rules, with respect to a software license contract and subsequent setting aside proceedings.
  • a holding company: advising in ICC Arbitration proceedings in a USD billion worth shareholders' dispute in the commodities sector;
  • an Indonesian company: advising in SIAC Arbitration proceedings in relation to a USD multibillion project for the constructions of highways in the Philippines;
  • an Italian energy company: advising in a gas price revision arbitration under the UNCITRAL rules against a Dutch gas provider in a EUR multi-billion dispute;
  • a U.S. energy company: advising in setting aside proceedings initiated by the Republic of Ecuador regarding arbitral awards rendered on the basis of a bilateral investment treaty
  • a Dutch company: advising a Dutch company against claims from a Russian counterparty in relation to the construction of a gas pipeline before the Netherlands Commercial Court.

Professional experience

Juan joined Linklaters after working at a leading Dutch law firm for many years.

Juan is admitted to the Spanish bar.

Juan is member of: the Spanish Arbitration Club (CEA) and board member of the Dutch Chapter of the CEA; management team of the Stichting (Foundation) Learn (with FMO); the Young ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration); the NAI Young Practitioners (Netherlands Arbitration Institute); the DAA (Dutch Arbitration Association); the CEPANI-40 (Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation).

Founder of the Spanish Chapter of ENERAP (Energy Related Arbitration Practitioners)

Juan's experience, besides the cases listed in the overview section, includes:

Investment arbitration:

  • A Dutch investor: acting as counsel in a UNCITRAL BIT based arbitration an investment dispute under the Netherlands-Czech Republic bilateral investment treaty (BIT). (Fynerdale Holdings BV / Czech Republic)
  • A Moldovan investor: acting as counsel in enforcement proceedings by the investors in relation to an arbitral award wroth USD 500 million rendered against Kazakhstan in a SCC high yield Energy Charter Treaty investment arbitration. (Stati et al. v. Kazakhstan)
  • A U.S.-based investor: assisting in Dutch setting aside proceedings instituted by Ecuador in relation to arbitral awards worth USD 20 million rendered against Ecuador in an investment arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
  • An investor: advising in setting aside proceedings against an UNCITRAL BIT Award in a billion worth dispute in relation to the termination of a long-term gas supply agreement and construction and later attacks of a pipeline.

Commercial Arbitration:

  • A client: acting as counsel in a CEPANI arbitration in the Netherlands regarding a 200+ million dispute in relation to a major family conglomerate in the Netherlands. Matter handled together with NautaDutilh Brussels.
  • A Yatch Shipyard: assisting the arbitral tribunal in drafting the Award.

Crisis management and litigation advice:

  • A U.S. based worldwide leader processed food provider: advising a worldwide leader processed food provider in its IP dispute with its direct competitor in Europe.  
  • A Pipeline operator: advising in relation to a dispute between the client and a state owned entity regarding the operation of a pipeline built under an agreement between sovereign states. The dispute had important political and geopolitical implications.
  • A major French energy company: in a labour dispute in relation to the IPO of a startup. The potential loss in case of failed IPO was 300+ million EUR
  • An oil industry service provider. In a dispute with its JV partner. The client was a key provider of seabed exploration services for the oil industry worldwide. They had entered into a JV with an indirect competitor to develop new technologies. The JV had been a failure, and the client needed advice as to how to unwind the JV with minimal losses.
  • A MPT Provider of large securitization structure: advising the MPT Provider to a large securitization transaction backed by Dutch residential mortgage loans with respect to extremely complex movement in parameters of swaps underlying the main transaction.


  • Stichting (Foundation) Learn: Personally developing a project in close collaboration with FMO (the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank). Students work on old cases where FMO’s clients were unable to meet the legal obligation of repayment. The students try to find out what happened with these clients since then. All recovered financial proceeds are used to fund scholarships for high achieving low-income students from developing countries around the world.

Education and qualifications

Juan holds a Masters degree in Commercial and Company law from Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; and Bachelors in Law and a Bachelor in Political Science and Public Administration from Universidad Pablo De Olavide.

Published works

Juan's Published works include:

  • The impact of EU on challenges, recognition and enforcement of international commercial awards” Edwar Elgar Publishing, 2021.
  • Editor of Kluwer Practical Insight for Damages and Data Protection in Arbitration
  • Reporter of “Eu law and Arbitration”, organized by CEA, CEPANI, ICC and DIS.