Thomas Caldwell

Thomas Caldwell

Managing Associate, Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations, London

"I focus on working with clients to bring and defend complex and high value competition litigation in the Competition Appeal. I aim to provide expertise on the particular challenges of competition litigation in the CAT and to give clear and commercial advice to support clients in protecting their interests."


Education and qualifications


Tom is a Managing Associate in the Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations team. Before joining Linklaters, Thomas worked at several leading law firms in London and Sydney where he worked across a broad range of commercial litigation and investigations. In the last few years, before and since joining Linklaters, Tom’ practice has focused on competition litigation in the Competition Appeal Tribunal where he has advised on several of the highest profile claims brought to date.

Work highlights

  • Acting for a leading payment scheme in relation to numerous “stand alone” litigation proceedings brought by major retailers alleging that multilateral interchange fees on card transactions were levied in breach of Article 101 and Article 102 TFEU (and various domestic competition laws) in the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
  • Advising a leading payment scheme on two collective actions (one opt-in and one opt-out) brought by retailers in respect of interchange fees before the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
  • Advising at water company on a proposed collective action to be brought in the Competition Appeal Tribunal.
  • (At a former firm) advising a truck company on defence of many complex “follow-on” damages claims, several of which have been precedent setting for individual claims and collections actions in the Competition Appeal Tribunal. 

Education and qualifications

Tom studied history at Durham University before completing the GDL and LPC at BPP University, London.