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The importance of technical innovation and the significance of the digital development is immense. In this context our Vlog provides an overview of the relevant topics and an insight into current developments.


The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the already rapid pace of digitalisation: Companies are fast-tracking their digital transformation, investors are increasingly targeting tech investments, and governments are taking a variety of regulatory measures regarding cutting-edge technologies.

It is therefore essential to keep up with the pace of the digital revolution and to have at least a basic understanding of the current technological developments – such as Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, Digital Payment Services, Robotics, the Internet of Things and many more.

Given the multitude and complexity of the technological as well as legal topics, and the speed of development, this is not always easy. That is why we will, from now on, help to keep you up to date on the latest developments in the most promising fields of technology as well as the related legal challenges and developments in our Linklaters TechBeats.

We wish you an exciting journey through the world of technical innovations and their legal implications – but above all, we hope to keep you well entertained.


Vitural Annual General Meeting 2.0

This year's general annual meeting season is already in full swing. As in the last two years, most companies are opting for virtual AGMs – this year, however, companies grant shareholders more participations rights. At the same time, the legislator is taking action shaping the virtual AGM of the future. In our new TechBeats episode, Mario Pofahl and Dr Klaus von der Linden (Partner, Corporate/M&A) discuss current market standards of this year’s AGM season as well as the new draft legislation setting out the AGM of the future, in particular potential changes and obstacles companies should take into account.


Tech start-ups – opportunities and investment

Despite the pandemic, the number of unicorns and soonicorns has increased significantly in recent years. One reason for this is the greater availability of early stage financing which plays a crucial role during the early (seed) stages of a start-up. In this context, what forward-looking issues are European start-ups dealing with? How do trends in Europe differ with Asia and North America? What factors make for a successful tech start-up? Mario Pofahl answers these and other questions together with Dr Christoph Klink, partner at Antler.


Fintech – eWpG

The financial industry has always been a pioneer in leveraging technology. Now, lawmakers are catching up: the German government recently passed a bill to introduce digital securities. What will this law achieve? And what can't it? How could it be improved? That's what Mario Pofahl talked to our Fintech specialist Christian Storck about.

Digital Platforms – 10th GWB-Amendment

In January 2021, the 10th amendment to the GWB came into force. It has far-reaching effects, not only for Big Tech, but for the entire digital economy. Whom does it protect? Which instruments does it equip the authorities with? And what do in-house lawyers need to keep in mind from now on? That's what Mario Pofahl talked to our GWB expert Daniela Seeliger about.

Corporate 4.0 – Virtual Annual General Meeting

As a result of digitalisation, corporate law is experiencing massive changes. Virtual annual general meetings, which were brought to life by lawmakers in the course of their Covid-19 legislation, are paradigmatic for this development. How did the first virtual general meeting season go? What's different this season? And what's next after Covid-19? That's what Mario Pofahl talked to our AGM specialist Klaus von der Linden about.

DMA – Digital Markets Act

The digital economy is unequivocally dominated by large tech firms. The likes of Apple, Alphabet, Meta or Amazon all enjoy prevailing market positions while expanding their businesses into ever increasing markets. In this Tech Beats episode Mario Pofahl and Daniela Seeliger look at the Digital Markets Act (short DMA) which aims to level the playing field and to curb the power of the large tech firms, also called the gatekeepers.

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