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DEI: Where now? Navigating a safe legal path in challenging times

DEI: Where now? Navigating a safe legal path in challenging times is our thought leadership series by the Linklaters Diversity Faculty, providing insights, commentary and guidance for employers on some of the most complex and technical areas of UK law, regulation and governance on diversity, equity, and inclusion issues. As the landscape around diversity, equity and inclusion continuously develops, employers must navigate the complex legal and regulatory frameworks, whilst being mindful of evolving societal expectations and market trends. 

The evolving landscape for positive action

In this video, Simon Kerr-Davis and Laurie Ollivent discuss how employers can safely use positive action to promote diversity in their workforces, while navigating the risks of unlawful positive discrimination. They discuss why this area is under increased scrutiny, and look at the UK legal framework to give some real-life examples of what amounts to lawful positive action, and what may amount to unlawful positive discrimination.

Positive action vs Positive discrimination

The law in the UK distinguishes between lawful positive action and unlawful positive discrimination, but where to draw the line in practice is not always clear for employers.

Our client publication provides a practical overview of the differences between lawful positive action and unlawful positive discrimination, how employers should navigate the grey area, and explores how employers can promote diversity, equity and inclusion across the employment lifecycle whilst managing the legal risks.


Positive action vs positive discrimination

DEI Front cover image


Managing conflicting beliefs in the workplace

Conflicting beliefs in the workplace are, to some degree, an inevitable part of modern working life, but have the potential to escalate and create significant legal and reputational risk even for the most well-intentioned employer. In our latest guide, our employment and diversity lawyers look at the legal framework for managing conflicting beliefs and give practical advice on how businesses can manage conflicts in the workplace appropriately, safely and with confidence.


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