Covid-19: Commercial and Legal Considerations for Private Fund Managers and their Investors
Clare Baker, Silke Bernard, Hermann Beythan, Cyril Boussion, Edouard Chapellier, Amin Ebrahim, Emily Harmsworth, Thibault Hurbli, Matthew Keogh, Rahul Manvatkar, Raza Naeem, Claire Virard-Canto, Julia Vergauwen, Markus Wollenhaupt
Covid-19: Commercial and Legal Considerations for Private Fund Managers and their Investors
The novel coronavirus (“Covid-19”) pandemic has caused significant disruption to the global economy, and the asset management industry is no exception. This is above all a human and social crisis, necessitating some significant changes in the way everyone goes about their daily lives. As efforts are underway to manage the spread, the impact to businesses and economies, while still indeterminable in the long term, has become increasingly significant.
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