When things go wrong – contentious issues surrounding AI


Artificial intelligence has become a powerful catalyst for change, offering innovation, efficiency, and advancement across numerous fields. As AI finds its way into a growing number of industries, litigation arising from its application is unsurprisingly on the rise. Whether you are building an AI compliance programme, contracting for AI or are a litigator, it is essential to understand the contentious AI risks you need to treat.

From product liability to litigation risk, our team of legal experts will delve into the key threats posed if AI goes wrong.

Key topics to be covered:

  • How traditional product liability regimes are evolving in response to AI advancements?
  • Analysis of the current product liability framework and the increasing responsibilities for AI providers.
  • Understanding the varying roles of AI providers and the resultant impact on liability;
  • Investigating potential claims including, AI washing, copyright, discrimination and data protection issues.