Monika Krzyszkowska-Dabrowska
Head of Employment practice, Warsaw
“I am an employment lawyer with over 20 years of experience. I advise the leading Polish and international entities on employment and HR issues in both ongoing and transactional matters. I bring my extensive background to work with clients on their most challenging employment cases.”
Professional experience
Education and qualifications
Published works
Monika Krzyszkowska-Dąbrowska is a Polish qualified lawyer (radca prawny) and Head of the Warsaw Employment Practice. She has over 20 years’ experience covering a broad spectrum of labour law issues, including: preparing and negotiating employee documentation, hiring at managerial level, carrying out individual and collective redundancies, relationships with employee representatives, proceedings concerning workplace discrimination, seconding employees as part of a provision of services and various types of employment restructurings. She is the author of a range of publications in both the local and foreign professional press in the field of employment law and has published, a commentary on amendments to the Labour Code, among others.
Work highlights:
Monika’s recent highlights includes advising:
- in employment issues during M&A transactions, including: a leading producer and supplier of high quality products and systems for construction
- an energy sector client on a whistleblowing case
- an investment bank on a Brexit related matter
- banks, pension companies, investment funds, insurance and reinsurance companies with regard to all employment issues concerning M&A transactions and related employment structuring
- Clients in employment aspects of establishing and operations of their Shared Services Centres (SSC) in Poland, including preparing drafts of all employment documents related to start of operations
- a Client in various organizational restructuring aspects of the project, including termination of key employees, drafting settlement agreements and providing advice on practical matters of the termination
- a variety of Clients in day-to-day employment issues, including hiring of employees, drafting internal regulations, bonus and remuneration schemes, terms of employment and their change, employee relations management
- a variety of Clients during COVID-19 situation, including reacting to COVID-19 cases, contacts with State Sanitary Inspectorate and State Labour Inspectorate, precaution measures, remote work arrangements, workplace management
Professional experience
Education and qualifications
Monika studied law at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
She is a member of:
- the European Employment Lawyers Association
She speaks Polish and English.
Published works
Monika often gives lectures and speeches at employment conferences. She is also an author of numerous publications, articles and comments. The recent titles include:
- Parkiet Mobbing and other undesirable phenomena – obligations and risks of the employer, March 2025
- BPCC Online Magazine, Will the Labour Code’s revamped definition of ‘mobbing’ lead to more employee lawsuits?, March 2025
- Chambers and Partners, Chambers and Partners Employment 2024 Global Practice Guide: Poland: Trends & Developments, September 2024
- BPCC Online Magazine, Is the employer obligated for the oversight of stress management and care for mental wellbeing of employees? Should it form part of a new era workplace relationship framework?, March 2024
- Chambers and Partners, Chambers and Partners Employment 2023 Global Practice Guide: Poland: Trends & Developments, September 2023
- The In-House Lawyer [The Legal 500], What’s on the agenda for HR departments in Poland? The latest and upcoming developments in Polish labour law, August 2023
- Chambers and Partners, Chambers and Partners Employment 2022 Global Practice Guide: Poland: Trends & Developments, October 2022
- Rzeczpospolita, E-elections of employee representatives - an alternative during the pandemic, April 2022
- SPCC Magazine, Remote work: the new reality of labor law, January 2022,
- Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Pracodawca powołał się na odpowiedzialność społeczną i zwolnił pracownika, June 2021
- Remote work. The practical guide, Wolters Kluwer, 2020
- Labour Law Quarterly, Work rotation: retention bonus as a way of retaining the employees, April 2020
- Interia Biznes, Coronavirus and Labour law. The employees are threatened with consequences for the misuse of the special rights, March 2020
- Poland Today Live, Art of attraction: Poland's labour market, January 2020
- Labour Law Quarterly, Remote work: benefits and threats, January 2020
- Ochrona Danych Osobowych, GDPR in M&A deals – how to protect a buyer’s business in a share deal transaction, January 2020
- Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, A breach of competition law? This can also stem from a firm’s HR activities, November 2020
- Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Do we pay quicker for change of proceedings after Civil Procedure Code revision?, October 2019
- Labour Law Quarterly, Could an employee's lack of cooperation in implementing AML banking procedures be a reason for terminating an employment contract?, October 2019
- Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Sometimes there is only a lack of will, May 2019