Book 7 and its Impact on Leases

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest article, "Book 7 and its Impact on Leases". This article explores the forthcoming changes and improvements anticipated in Book 7 of the Civil Code.

Book 7 on Special Contracts, aims to streamline outdated provisions, create consistency among various types of contracts, and incorporate insights from international and neighbouring countries' laws. While introducing noteworthy innovations, Book 7 does not completely overhaul existing lease laws but clarifies them through updated phrasing and terminology.

Key updates include revisions to both landlord and tenant obligations, clarifications on lease termination, and sublease regulations. Although the underlying legal principles remain largely intact, the enhanced clarity and modernised language of Book 7 signify substantial improvements.

Of course, the true impact of these changes will become clear once the law is fully adopted and implemented.

But in the meantime, for more detailed insights, read the full article on our website or contact our Real Estate team for any queries.