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wtorek, 12 stycznia 2021 From 17:00 to 18:30 GMT +1

Location: Brussels

Speakers: Evita Bassot, Jeffrey Cohen, Arnaud Coibion, Filip Lecoutre, Thierry LHomme, Pierre-Emmanuel Perais

Webinar: Is Belgium ready for the rise of the SPAC?

Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (“SPACs”) have recently gained a boost in popularity on the US markets and the phenomenon appears to be gaining traction in Europe as well. During our webinar, we'll cover the following topics, among others:
What is a SPAC?
> What are special points of attention when a SPAC wants to effect a business combination with a Belgian target?
How can a SPAC be structured as a Belgian legal entity?
What would be expected focus points of the Belgian regulator when listing a SPAC on Euronext Brussels?

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