Charting the Course: Facilitating finance for the transition to a sustainable economy



In our webinar we discussed the growing interest across the world in transition finance, with a particular focus on the current market review into transition finance in the UK. We explored the role of financial markets in supporting companies in their decarbonisation efforts and net-zero ambitions. In its 2023 update of the UK Green Finance Strategy, the UK Government is focusing on promoting market transparency, developing innovative financial tools, and increasing investments in the area of transition finance. Similarly, Singapore has issued a transition taxonomy and issued proposals for transition credits and Hong Kong is also prioritising transition.

Germany has made significant progress in transforming its energy sector and has sparked vibrant discussions on the importance of transition finance and the principles of a just transition.
We further discussed:

  • the differences in selected regulatory approaches globally;
  • challenges and recommendations regarding transition finance in the context of the EU taxonomy and sustainable finance;
  • the question of how to develop, structure, and export high-integrity transition finance;
  • the potential need for further regulatory measures, including subsidies.

Silke Stremlau, Chair of the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board Germany
Xylia Sim, Energy & Infrastructure, Partner, Linklaters LLP
Vanessa Havard-Williams, Chair of UK Transition Finance Market Review, Consultant, Linklaters LLP

Alexander Vogt, Investment Funds, Partner, Linklaters LLP


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