Bruno Garcia Da Silva

Bruno Garcia Da Silva

Associate, Brussels

"I specialise in ESG, Business & Human Rights, climate change litigation and business crimes, including white collar crimes and international economic sanctions. More generally, I advise and represent clients in a wide range of business-related civil, criminal and regulatory matters before state authorities, courts and arbitral tribunals."


Professional experience

Education and qualifications


Bruno is an associate in our Belgian Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations practice. He was admitted to the Brussels Bar in 2021. 

Bruno specialises in domestic and cross-border litigation and arbitration. His areas of expertise include regulated markets (like the energy sector), ESG, business & human rights, climate change litigation and business crimes, including white-collar crimes and international economic sanctions.

Bruno is also a teaching assistant and an affiliated researcher of the UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles.

Work highlights

Bruno has worked on a wide range of disputes. Those that can be disclosed include:

  • putting in place a tracker of recent developments in ESG at the request of a financial institution and regularly monitoring evolutions thereof
  • assisting electricity and gas distribution system operators, in challenging new methodologies for the calculation of the energy distribution tariffs imposed by regulators
  • representing nuclear energy producers in various legal proceedings before the Constitutional Court and other courts for breach of the fundamental rights to property and non-discrimination
  • advising a multinational company with internal investigations across several jurisdictions
  • assisting multiple financial institutions and multinational companies navigate through the international economic sanctions imposed by the EU on third-countries (including Russia)
  • defending an investment management firm against damages claims based on alleged wrongful fulfilment of discretionary management obligations

Professional experience

Bruno has been an associate in the Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations and a teaching assistant at the University Saint-Louis – Brussels (USL-B) since 2021. He is also an affiliated researcher of the “CIRC” (Interdisciplinary Centre for Constitutional Research), the public law research group of the University Saint-Louis – Brussels.

Education and qualifications

Bruno holds two Master of Law Degrees, one from the KU Leuven (2019-2020) and the other from Universität Zürich (2020-2021). He obtained his Bachelor of Law degree from the University Saint-Louis – Brussels (2016-2019; Law Faculty Prize “Prix du Bac”).

Bruno fluently speaks French, English and Portuguese.