Dr. Thomas Broichhausen
Global Co-Head of Insurance, Munich
“I focus on the financial industry, advising clients on their most important, strategic transactions and corporate topics. I have been closely involved in developing innovative transaction structures , including on the insurance and reinsurance side, in Germany and cross-border. I aim to deliver proactive, practical and commercially focused team-advice.”
Professional experience
Education and qualifications
Published works
Thomas specializes in corporate law, M&A, in particular across the regulated financial industry, insurance, fintech, insurtech. Dr. Thomas Broichhausen is co-head of the global insurance practice.
He is recognized in the market as a leading expert on strategically relevant topics and advises on a wide range of sector-related matters, including M&A transactions, corporate restructurings, joint ventures, corporate advisory matters, compliance, reinsurance structures and bancassurance transactions. He has extensive experience in financial and insurance technology, the impact and opportunities of digitalization, and the increasing interplay between the "traditional" insurance/financial industry and technology companies.
He works closely with the firm's leading lawyers in areas such as regulation, the investment group, and data experts.
Citations & Rankings
Strengths provided by Chambers:
- “Clients praise Thomas Broichhausen for being "very strong in overall client dedication and service with a great overall view and good performance in negotiations." He enters the rankings following his growing market presence, often advising on group-wide structurings, investments and financing rounds in the German insurance world.” (Chambers 2022)
- "Thomas Broichhausen works on important matters across the insurance spectrum, with significant experience in insurtech deals, but also offering expertise in portfolio acquisitions, bancassurances, as well as being surefooted in the regulatory arena. You really got the impression that he was an expert in his field“” (Insurance: Transactional client Europe)
Work Highlights
Thomas has advised on many of the market’s most significant insurance deals. These include advising:
- Allianz: advising on the acquisition of
- the insurance portfolio of Baloise/FRIDAY in Germany and France,
- iptiQ's European property and casualty insurance business
- Fosun: advising on the sale of the bank Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe to ABN.
- AXA: advising on various strategic matters, including
- the sale of the Irish subsidiary AXA Life Europe with German life insurance portfolio,
- the sale of Pro bAV Pensionskasse to Frankfurter Leben-Group,
- its participation in and IPO of Jumia, a company founded by Rocket Internet.
- Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft: advising on the merger with the Nationale Suisse Group.
- Lloyds Banking Group: advising on the sale of Heidelberger Leben to Cinven and Hannover Rück.
- Gruppe Börse Stuttgart: advising on the expansion of its strategic partnership with Axel Springer and Japanese SBI Group.
- Allianz Direct Versicherungs-AG: advising on the consolidation of its European business.
Professional experience
Thomas has been with Linklaters since 2010. He is based in Munich and was on secondment in the Dusseldorf office in 2016.
Education and qualifications
Thomas studied law at the University of Freiburg and the University of Passau, and he holds a Master of Laws from the University of Chicago.
Thomas is qualified as Attorney-at-Law (New York).
He speaks German and English.
Published works
Thomas is author of various publications and articles on general corporate law and insurance sector relevant topics.
These publications include:
- Hemmschuh oder Durchbruch? Rückversicherungsverträge und Zuführung zur RfB - die neue Auslegungsentscheidung der BaFin in der Analyse, Versicherungswirtschaft, January 2021, Co-Autor
- Rechtsentwicklungen im Versicherungsbereich 2020, Der Betrieb, Beilage Nr. 5 zu Heft 51-52, December 2020, Co-Autor
- Grüne Welle: Eine rechtliche Einordnung zum Megatrend Nachhaltigkeit in der Versicherungsbranche, Versicherungswirtschaft, November 2020, Co-Autor
- Deutsche Lebensversicherer in der Krise?, Börsen-Zeitung, 24. October 2020, Co-Autor
- Lebensversicherungsunternehmen und Pensionskassen in der Krise: Instrumente der Krisenprävention sowie Abwicklungsplanung nach geltendem Recht und de lege ferenda, VersR, June 2020, Co-Autor
- Kein Erfordernis eines Sicherungsbedarfs für Gewinnabführung aufgrund eines Gewinnabführungsvertrags nach § 302 AktG, Anmerkung zu OLG Stuttgart 7 U 12/18 v. 14.11.2019, VersR, April 2020, Co-Autor
- Versicherer im Visier, Erste Schritte zur Abwicklung und Sanierung, FAZ, 12. February 2020, Co-Autor
- Die Höhle der Versicherungslöwen - Venture Capital für InsurTechs, Versicherungswirtschaft, February 2020, Co-Autor
- Rechtsentwicklungen im Versicherungsbereich 2019, Der Betrieb, Beilage Nr. 3 zu Heft 51-52, December 2019, Co-Autor
- Strukturen für den Effizienzvorsprung - Rechtliche Anforderungen beim Einsatz künstlicher Intelligenz in Versicherungsunternehmen in: Versicherungswirtschaft, Nummer 9, September 2019, Co-Autor