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As AI propels the rising power demands of data centres, the article delves into nuclear energy as a promising solution for reliable and green power generation despite facing hurdles like high capital costs and regulatory challenges. It’s now a hot topic, with tech giants eagerly exploring nuclear possibilities, especially the cutting-edge Small Modular Reactors, to navigate the evolving energy landscape and meet data centres' growing needs.
Offshore wind report looks at the main regulatory, policy and market developments in key markets in Europe, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the offshore wind industry.
Watch our short video where we set out a brief overview of the state of the U.S. offshore wind industry and the key challenges that developers, investors and financiers will need to consider over the coming years.
In this videocast, Linklaters' Francesca Matthews joins Webber Wentzel project finance partner, Jason van der Poel, to share insights on Africa's energy sector, and discuss the role of Africa's energy policy and transition in meeting net-zero carbon emission obligations by 2050.
Read our report on the developments and opportunities in the Japanese Offshore Wind sector
In this report, we set out a brief overview of the Vietnam wind market, the key legal issues for investors and the challenges that they need to consider when investing in offshore wind in Vietnam.
This jurisdiction by jurisdiction overview outlines some of the key regulatory and other challenges and opportunities in the key markets in Asia Pacific for renewables energy.
Read our Capacity mechanisms report which explores the divergent responses to the electricity supply crunch in Europe, the role of the European Commission and what all this means for Europe's global competitiveness.
Read the Linklaters China report to see how China's focus on sustainable growth will affect your organisation, sector and region.
As renewable energy becomes more affordable, there are signs that some markets in sub-Saharan Africa would leapfrog fossil fuels technology and that Africa’s economic development could actually be driven by renewable energy technology.