Harry Slachmuylders
Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations Associate, Brussels
“I advise and represent national and international clients in a wide range of commercial disputes and other contentious situations, with a specific expertise in consumer law, market practices and commercial contracts.”
Professional experience
Education and qualifications
Published works
Harry advises and represents national and international clients in a broad range of commercial disputes and other contentious situations. He has a special expertise in consumer law, market practices and commercial contracts.
In addition to his work for Linklaters, Harry is a research fellow at KU Leuven (Brussels campus), where he researches in the field of consumer contract law.
Professional experience
Harry Slachmuylders is an Associate at the Litigation, Arbitration & Investigations Practice since 2024.
Before joining Linklaters, Harry worked as a PhD researcher and teaching assistant at KU Leuven’s Consumer Competition Market Institute (Brussels Campus). He defended his PhD thesis on contractual rights and liabilities in circular Product-as-a-Service contracts in November 2024. Since November 2024, he is affiliated with KU Leuven as a research fellow.
Harry also regularly speaks about a wide range of topics relating to consumer law and commercial contracts, including most recently:
- “Navigating the fine print: enforceability and (un)fairness of terms and conditions in PSS contracts”, 3th stakeholder workshop contractual rights and liabilities in circular business models, Brussels, 8 March 2023.
- “Movable servitization: contractual liability in the B2C relationship”, Servitization and circular economy: economic and legal challenges, Leuven, 22 April 2022.
- “Product as a Service as enabler of the circular economy – a contract law perspective”, Programme in European Private Law for Postgraduates (PEPP), Cambridge, 25 March 2022.
- “ Économie de la fonctionnalité – le contrat de service: défis juridiques et solutions contractuelles”, Colloque CRDP "Des entreprises écoresponsables dans l'économie circulaire", Lille, 21 May 2021.
- “The Role of Circular Business Models in the Economic Recovery after Covid-19”, Ius Commune Conference, Maastricht, 26 November 2020.
- “Duurzaam ondernemen en het recht: Circulaire bedrijfsmodellen - juridische knelpunten.”, Virtuele week van de bedrijfsjurist IBJ-IJE, Online, 16 November 2020.
Education and qualifications
Harry holds a PhD in law (2024) and Master of Laws degree (2019, magna cum laude) from KU Leuven. In 2018, he spent a semester abroad at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, taking the courses of the LL.M. programme.
He speaks English, Dutch and French.
Published works
Harry’s recent publications include:
- H. Slachmuylders, “Movable Servitization. Contractual Liability in the B2C Relationship”, in B. Keirsbilck, E. Terryn, J. Eyckmans, S. Rousseau and D. Voinot (eds.), Servitization and circular economy: economic and legal challenges, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2023, 135-166.
- H. Slachmuylders, “Économie de la fonctionnalité – Le contrat de service : défis juridiques et solutions contractuelles”, Revue Juridique de l’Environnement 2022, 111-120.
- H. Slachmuylders, “Vergunningsstelsels, Airbnb en de Dienstenrichtlijn”, DAOR 2021, 84-88.
- H. Slachmuylders, B. Keirsbilck, E. Terryn and E. Van Gool, “Duurzaam ondernemen en het recht: circulaire bedrijfsmodellen – juridische knelpunten” in De rol van de bedrijfsjurist in de duurzame ontwikkeling van de onderneming/ le rôle du juriste d'entreprise dans le développement durable, Brussel, Larcier, 2021, 7-39.
- H. Slachmuylders, “Herstelling door een derde en de hiërarchie van de remedies in de consumentenkoop”, DCCR 2020, 135-148.
- H. Slachmuylders, “Vrijheid van vestiging en van dienstverlening (art. III.1-III.14 WER)” and “Algemene verplichtingen van de ondernemingen: informatie, transparantie en niet-discriminatie (art. III.73/1-III.81 WER)”, in Ondernemingsrecht geannoteerd 2024-2025, Brugge, Die Keure, 75-81 and 102-104.