14 กรกฎาคม 2564
Insurance - Financial Regulation - Mergers and Acquisitions
Insurance Update - July 2021
The following topics are covered in this issue. To see the articles, please log on to our Knowledge Portal or contact your usual Linklaters’ contact.
- IAIS publishes application paper on supervision of climate-related risks
- IAIS application papers on resolution powers and planning and supervising control functions
- IAIS statement on benchmark transition
- ESG: EU Commission’s renewed sustainable finance strategy published; delay to application date of SFDR RTS; EU climate law published in Official Journal
- EIOPA papers on sustainable finance
- EIOPA Opinion on the use of risk mitigation techniques by insurance undertakings
- EIOPA supervisory statement re breach of Solvency Capital Requirement
- EIOPA report on ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence
- Germany: Cap on brokerage fees for payment protection insurances from 1 July 2022
- Germany: BaFin publishes supervisory principles on the use of algorithms in decision-making processes
- UK: HM Treasury publishes response to Call for Evidence on review of UK Solvency II
- UK: HM Treasury proposes amendments to insolvency arrangements
- UK PRA consultation on review of reporting and disclosure under Solvency II: Phase 1
- UK PRA policy statement on deep, liquid and transparent assessments, and GBP transition to SONIA
- UK FCA finalises rules on general insurance pricing practices
- Proposed changes to guidance on the UK FCA’s approach to the review of Part VII insurance business transfers
- UK FCA “Dear CEO” letter to GI intermediaries on adequate client money arrangements
- UK: Mandatory TCFD disclosure rules for FCA regulated asset managers and other asset owners – entity and product level
- UK: Launch of Bank of England climate stress test
- Taking care of business: UK FCA plans new duty of care for financial services
- UK insurtech slips out of the sandbox
- Recent deals