Arbitral Institutions & Clauses

Arbitral institutions are numerous and range from the established international institutions such as ICC and LCIA, to the more specialist such as WIPO and ICSID. Click on the menu to the right for further details of some of the most prominent institutions (note that the UNCITRAL Rules are a stand-alone set of rules, without an associated institution to support them. The LCIA, amongst other institutions, will, however, administer arbitrations under the UNCITRAL rules). For information on some other arbitral institutions, not specifically named in the menu on the right, together with a brief description of the institution, see Other Arbitral Institutions at the foot of the menu.

A word of warning: It is suprising how often clauses get the names of institutions wrong, or purport to appoint institutions which do not exist. Unless you are familiar with the institution and know its proper title, always check before referring to it.