We see Turkey as a key market. To that end Linklaters has established a dedicated Turkish team headed by partners with particular knowledge of, and an established practice in Turkey. Our team spend a substantial proportion of their time on Turkish related matters and are fully informed of the latest commercial and legal developments in the market and in regular contact with legal and commercial contacts on the ground. Given our long established track record in Turkey, we have worked with and developed strong relationships with all the major Turkish law firms.

With our experience and track record, expertise across all major practice areas, sectors and geographies and the focus provided by our dedicated Turkey team, we believe that Linklaters can deliver the best results for our Turkey focused clients.

Corporate / M&A

A selection of our corporate/M&A experience includes advising:

  • Getir on its acquisitions of FreshDirect and Weezy
  • DP World on its simultaneous acquisition of a 58% interest in Evyap’s Evyap Port and sale of a 42% interest in its DP World Yarimca port to Evyap
  • Qatar Investment Authority on its acquisition of a 20% interest in D.ream International global fine dining group
  • Qatari-based beIN Media Group, on the acquisition of Turkey’s biggest satellite network and pay-tv provider Digitürk
  • Borsa İstanbul on its strategic partnership with the NASDAQ OMX Group and on the purchase of a 10% stake in Borsa Istanbul by EBRD
  • Yıldız Holding, Turkey's largest food group, on the acquisition of UK-based cookies and snacks maker United Biscuits from Blackstone and PAI Partners
  • Caffè Nero Group on the acquisition of a 50% interest in the joint venture company in Turkey from its joint venture partner, Infinity Invest Holding


A selection of our banking experience includes advising:

  • Yıldız Holding, Turkey's largest food group, on the financing for the acquisition of UK-based cookies and snacks maker United Biscuits
  • J.P. Morgan as a lender on the US$500m secured portfolio loan for Turkiye Garanti Bankasi
  • BNP Paribas SA and Fortis Bank on the €15m term loan facility for Doğan TV Holding A.Ş., the holding company of the Doğan TV group
  • on the US$100m term loan to partially fund Saudi Oger’s equity participation in Türk Telekom

Capital Markets

A selection of our capital markets experience includes:

  • Coca-Cola İçecek Anonim Şirketi on its issue of US$500m 4.50% sustainability-linked notes due 2029
  • İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi (the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality) on its debut offering of US$580m 6.375% notes due 2025 to finance certain projects related to the municipality’s metro railway lines
  • on the US$1.6bn secondary public offering of shares of Emlak Konut, the largest share offering in the real estate sector in Europe in over five years  and the largest offering of new shares in Emerging Europe, the Middle East and Africa (including Turkey) in 2013, and earlier on the US$712m IPO of Emlak Konut, the largest IPO in Turkey in 2010
  • Arçelik A.S. on its €350m 3.875% notes due 2021. This was the first Euro-denominated bond issuance by Arçelik, the largest household appliance manufacturer in Turkey
  • Türk Telekom A.S on the issuance of US$500m 3.75% notes due 2019 and US$500m 4.875% notes due 2024. This transaction was Türk Telekom’s inaugural issuance in the bond markets 
  • on the IPO aspects of a complex divestment by a private equity firm by way of a ‘dual track’ trade sale by TPG of leading drinks producer Mey İçki Sanayi ve Ticaret
  • Türk Telekom on its TRY 2.4bn (approx. US$2bn) privatisation by way of IPO by the Turkish Privatisation Administration of 52.5 billion shares followed by the aborted secondary public offering in 2013

Energy & Infrastructure

A selection of our project finance experience includes advising:

  • Kalyon Enerji Yatirimlari AS on an ECA-backed project financing of the 1,350MW Karapinar solar plant in Turkey, one of the largest single-site solar power projects in the world
  • Tüpraş on its US$2.2bn ECA-backed financing of the Izmit Residuum refinery upgrade project and the underwriters on Tüpraş’ subsequent 
     landmark international bond offering
  • EBRD, EIB, IFC, DenizBank and HSBC on the project financing of Rotor Elektrik, a €220m wind farm being developed by the Zorlu group in      Osmaniye, Turkey. This is the first internationally financed wind farm in Turkey and the first time that EIB has lent to a project of this kind in Turkey
  • the sponsors on the US$325m refinancing of the acquisition financing originally used by Akcez (borrower) to purchase SEDAS, a power distribution
    and sales company, in the first round of Electricity Distribution Privatisations from TEDAS (Turkish Government entity)
  • Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank and UKEF on their export credit financing for Türksat Uydu Haberlesme Kablo TV Ve Isletme A.S.
  • The Lenders on the acquisition financing of the concession and upgrade of Iskenderun port
  • ENI in relation to the Trans Anadolu pipeline, a US$5 billion oil pipeline project in Turkey

创新型业务团队 – 承办的“首创性”交易远超其他任何一家律师事务所:

  • 中国银行业历史上最大的收购融资交易 – 就中国信达资产管理股份有限公司用于收购南洋商业银行有限公司的390亿美元有期贷款融资交易提供法律服务
  • 为包括沪港通和深港通项目在内的、具有里程碑意义的中港通项目的设立及网络拓展提供法律服务
  • 中国首家商业银行在香港上市 – 交通银行首次公开发行IPO
  • 首宗外资银行收购中国上市银行股份 – 担任花旗银行的法律顾问,就其收购上海浦东发展银行战略性股权的交易提供法律服务
  • 中国私营公司首次在澳大利亚(或任何其他英语国家市场)成功完成竞争性公开市场交易 – 担任四川天齐实业有限责任公司的法律顾问,就其以8.48亿加拿大元收购Talison的交易提供法律服务
  • 中资公司入股欧洲国营电网公司的首例 – 担任国家电网公司的法律顾问,就其收购葡萄牙国家电网运营商( REN) 25%股权的交易提供法律服务
  • 首次同步进行A股/H股配股 – 鞍钢进行的27亿美元配股
  • 中国财政部主权债券首次上市交易 - 担任财政部的法律顾问,就其230亿人民币主权债券在香港发行(有史以来规模最大的离岸人民币债券交易)提供法律服务
  • 首宗人民币债券融资– 合和公路基建有限公司的人民币债券发行
  • 首宗由中资银行在欧洲牵头的项目融资交易 - 担任国家开发银行的法律顾问,就一个300兆瓦坑口燃煤电厂3.5亿欧元的项目融资交易提供法律服务(波黑塞族共和国斯塔纳里)

2017年IFLR Asia 法律大奖

2017年IFLR Asia 法律大奖

2017年IFLR Asia 法律大奖

亚洲年度最佳融资交易奖 - 收购:中国化工收购先正达融资项目

年度最出色并购交易及年度最出色中国交易 – 中国南车股份有限公司和中国北车股份有限公司合并成为中国中车股份有限公司的交易
ALB China Awards 2016

Asian Legal Business

年度最佳律所 – 竞争法
China Law and Practice Awards 2016

China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳交易: 中国中车发行H股可转换债券
China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳交易: 中俄合作亚马尔LNG项目融资
China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳交易: 韩国在华发行首单境外政府熊猫债
China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳交易: 巴基斯坦塔尔煤田二号矿区开发项目
China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳交易: 莱蒙国际集团发行两部分可转换债券
China Business Law Journal Awards 2016

年度最佳证券交易: 债券: 中国银行发行35亿美元的四币种、六部分的“一带一路”债券
The Asia Legal Awards 2016

年度最出色债务市场交易 – 中国银行阿布扎比、匈牙利、新加坡、台北及香港分行的债券发行交易
ALB China Awards 2016

社会责任投资债券 – 中国银行30.3亿美元多币种绿色债券发行
IFR Asia Awards 2016