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Debt Capital Markets – Prospectus regimes in the EU and the UK

Your one stop shop for the latest information on the prospectus regimes relevant to public offers and admitting debt securities to trading on the regulated markets in both the EU and the UK, including links to the latest legislation, consultations and our client alerts.

Both the public offer and regulated market admission to trading regimes in the EU and the UK (collectively, the “prospectus regimes”) are in the process of reform; in the EU as part of a legislative package aiming to promote the EU capital markets and in the UK, as part of the UK’s post-Brexit freedoms.

EU Prospectus Regime


The EU Listing Act makes changes to the EU Prospectus Regulation. The agreed text was published in the EU’s Official Journal on 14 November 2024 and will come into force on 4 December 2024.


Amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation will be phased in with only limited amendments to apply immediately.


From a debt perspective, the amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation are fairly limited in nature. For details of the key changes, take a look at our client resources below.

UK Prospectus Regime


The Public Offer and Admissions to Trading Regulations (the “POATRs”) setting out the new framework for the UK regime were made in February 2024. But responsibility for the detail has been delegated to the FCA.


The FCA published a consultation (CP24/12) on its new admissions to trading rulebook with a deadline for responses of 18 October 2024.


A key focus of the FCA is the reinvigoration of the retail bond market in the UK. To that end, in January 2025 the FCA published its consultation (CP25/2) on further changes to the public offers and admissions to trading regime and the UK Listing Rules with a deadline for responses of 14 March 2025. Key proposals include aligning the prospectus requirements for debt securities to a single standard based on the current disclosure requirements for ‘wholesale’ denominations and guidance defining certain (non-complex) low denomination corporate bonds which can be appropriate for the ‘mass market’.


The FCA aims to finalise the new UK prospectus regime by the end of the first half of 2025 with implementation expected towards the end of 2025.


Whilst the final new UK regime is not expected to depart from the EU regime extensively, the POATRs do represent a shift conceptually in the way the market will need to consider on what basis a prospectus is required.

Key dates for the Prospectus Regulation



UK Prospectus Regime

The UK “onshored” the existing EU prospectus regime with minor adjustments at the end of the Brexit Transition Period.



UK Prospectus Regime

During 2021 the UK Listings Review, led by Lord Hill, recommended a series of reforms to the UK prospectus regime to make it more attractive and competitive which was later endorsed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.



EU Prospectus Regime

7 December 2022 - European Commission published the draft EU Listing Act including amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation.



UK Prospectus Regime

FCA published a series of engagement papers with respect to its expected powers under the new UK prospectus regime. A summary of feedback was published later in the year.



UK Prospectus Regime

29 January 2024 - The Public Offer and Admissions to Trading Regulations 2024 were made.

July 2024 - FCA consulted in CP24/12 on proposals for a new sourcebook relating to admissions to trading on a regulated market with a deadline for responses of 18 October 2024.

EU Prospectus Regime

2 February 2024 - Political agreement reached on the EU Listing Act.

14 November 2024 - EU Listing Act published in the Official Journal.

4 December 2024 - EU Listing Act came into force.



UK Prospectus Regime

January 2025 - FCA consulted in CP25/2 on further changes to the public offers and admissions to trading regime and the UK Listing Rules in January 2025 and in CP 25/3 on further proposals for firms operating public offer platforms, with a deadline for responses of 14 March 2025.

EU Prospectus Regime

February 2025 - ESMA published Consultation Paper - Draft Guidelines on supplements which introduce new securities to a base prospectus, with a deadline for responses of 19 May 2025.



EU Prospectus Regime

5 March 2026 - 15 months after date of entry into force of EU Listing Act certain amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation to apply.

5 June 2026 - 18 months after date of entry into force of EU Listing Act final amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation to apply.


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Additional resources

Key Contacts

For more information on the EU or UK prospectus regimes, contact one of our capital markets lawyers below or your usual contacts.

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