De-risking agenda 2024

Hello and welcome to our new annual publication on pensions de-risking. De-risking is still high on many schemes’ agendas with 2023 hitting nearly £50bn of transactions and, while there was a quieter start to this year than some expected, the last six months of 2024 are expected to pick up significantly. We have also seen even more innovation recently as new issues arise, such as dealing with illiquid assets. 

This publication is designed to explore some of the current issues that pension schemes are facing, whether you are contemplating a de-risking transaction, are in the middle of one, or have executed a transaction and are looking at next steps. There may be some issues you are already aware of but we also reflect on newer issues. 

We hope you enjoy this new publication and, if there are any topics you would like covered in the next publication, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Click here to read the full agenda