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People and Culture Investigations

For many organisations, their people are their greatest assets.

Ensuring employees know that their concerns will be investigated effectively is key to not only minimising legal and regulatory risk, but also building a culture where people feel safe to raise concerns.Organisations also have a clear interest in investigating alleged wrongdoing by, and poor performance of, their employees.

Whether asking us to advise them on conducting their own investigations, or conducting the investigation ourselves, our clients trust us with their most high-profile, complex and sensitive people and culture-related investigations.

Our work involves:

HR investigations

HR investigations (e.g. disciplinary or grievance processes) relating to employee misconduct and performance.

Employment regulators

Investigations by employment regulators into people-related issues (e.g. national minimum wage, working time compliance and equal pay audits).

Internal investigations

Internal investigations into workplace culture, particularly where there are allegations of discrimination, bullying and poor management.

DEI investigations

Investigations into concerns about diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Whistleblowing investigations

Investigations into whistleblowing concerns raised by staff.


Giving training to investigators and managers on how to undertake effective people and culture-related investigations.

As regulator-led investigations increase in number and scope, we are on hand to help our clients navigate the difficult people-related issues involved, especially where there is a clash between regulatory obligations and employment law. We regularly advise our clients on how to reach commercially desirable solutions, whilst preserving good relations with regulators and mitigating employment law risks.

We also have particular expertise investigating workplace culture and equity, diversity and inclusion issues, often where there are allegations of bullying, discrimination and harassment. Our approach is not only to look into historical allegations, but to make pragmatic recommendations as to how an organisation can move forward by creating a positive workplace culture.

Explore our Investigations Toolkit


Managing whistleblowing at work

This guide sets out the key protections provided to whistleblowers under the law, together with some practical tips for managing whistleblowing at work and in Employment Tribunal litigation.

Find out more


EU Whistleblowing Directive

We designed the compliance and training packages to help your organisation to meet your obligations under the EU Whistleblowing Directive, but also to help embed a healthy culture of speaking and listening up. Our packages can be adapted to cover specific additional requirements in the countries in which you operate.


Handling investigations remotely

With video calls becoming the main method of business communication, how well are these suited to handling sensitive employee relations issues? We look at the practical difficulties employers face when investigating complaints and carrying our disciplinary procedures remotely and will consider how to handle issues such as investigating in a timely way, the right to be accompanied and covert recording of meetings.

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