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Antitrust Investigations

Our cradle to grave offering

With our global footprint and on-the-ground experience in multiple jurisdictions our Antitrust & Foreign Investment team support clients through the broad spectrum of challenges that arise before, during and after an investigation into behavioural conduct issues.

We collaborate across practices, including Dispute Resolution, TMT/IP and Financial Regulatory to provide a holistic approach to supporting clients, from designing and implementing effective compliance policies, swiftly reacting to dawn raids, helping you respond to the investigation and advising you on related litigation (appeals and private enforcement). Whether it's a cartel, an abuse of dominance, a market investigation or a complex vertical investigation, Linklaters can guide your strategy of engagement with competition authorities and private litigants across the lifecycle of an investigation.

Our senior lawyers have excellent access to decision-makers where it matters. Our strong links with regulators are reinforced through the recruitment of former officials and longstanding relationships with the many Linklaters alumni who joined agencies. Many of our lawyers regularly advise agencies within the International Competition Network and other non-governmental bodies on policies and legislation.

Antitrust investigation lifecycle

The antitrust investigation lifecycle

We have the resources, knowledge and experience to help you across the full lifecycle of a competition investigation and your litigation needs.

Horizon scan

Our unique global perspective enables us to advise you on antitrust enforcement trends in the jurisdictions where you are active.

We will help you stay ahead of the curve in managing your enforcement risk and protecting your rights.

Global Enforcement Index

LinkingCompetition blog

Manage risk

With increased regulatory pressure and a greater need to demonstrate individual and corporate compliance within your organisation, we help you design bespoke compliance programmes that address the risks that your business faces. With greater focus on individual responsibility and increasing availability of discounts for effective compliance policies it is more important than ever to get your compliance offering right.

Our Competition eLearning course can play a vital role in delivering competition risk management training to help identify problems and instil a culture of compliance.


From first contact with authorities in the context of a dawn raid, our team can help you manage exposure using our customisable Dawn Raid App.

Our team advises across the spectrum of antitrust law from cartels and abuse of dominance to market and sector investigations and complex vertical issues.

As the investigation progresses, we support you through the key strategic questions on applying for leniency, settlement as well as deploying robust advocacy to put your case to the authority.


Our antitrust litigation team advises on all types of litigation - whether you are defending against private litigants seeking damages, appealing the outcome of an authority investigation, or seeking damages from anticompetitive conduct that has harmed your business.

The antitrust investigation lifecycle

We have the resources, knowledge and experience to help you across the full lifecycle of a competition investigation and your litigation needs.

Horizon scan

Horizon scan

Our unique global perspective enables us to advise you on antitrust enforcement trends in the jurisdictions where you are active.

We will help you stay ahead of the curve in managing your enforcement risk and protecting your rights.

Global Enforcement Index

LinkingCompetition blog

Manage risk

Manage risk

With increased regulatory pressure and a greater need to demonstrate individual and corporate compliance within your organisation, we help you design bespoke compliance programmes that address the risks that your business faces. With greater focus on individual responsibility and increasing availability of discounts for effective compliance policies it is more important than ever to get your compliance offering right.

Our Competition eLearning course can play a vital role in delivering competition risk management training to help identify problems and instil a culture of compliance.



From first contact with authorities in the context of a dawn raid, our team can help you manage exposure using our customisable Dawn Raid App.

Our team advises across the spectrum of antitrust law from cartels and abuse of dominance to market and sector investigations and complex vertical issues.

As the investigation progresses, we support you through the key strategic questions on applying for leniency, settlement as well as deploying robust advocacy to put your case to the authority.



Our antitrust litigation team advises on all types of litigation - whether you are defending against private litigants seeking damages, appealing the outcome of an authority investigation, or seeking damages from anticompetitive conduct that has harmed your business.

Our Expertise

Our lawyers work across all areas of antitrust risk to guide your strategy of engagement with competition authorities and private litigants.

Resources and KnowHow

Learn more about our online products


Competition eLearning Course

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