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PanDORA’s box

EU’s digital operational resilience act

Episode 3

Incident reporting

Jimi Piggott-Bader, Bas Jennen and Leonard van den Ende summarise the DORA rules for reporting incidents and significant cyber threats.

Leonard van den Ende: “DORA now prescribes that you have specific processes for identifying, tracking and logging ICT-related incidents.

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Episode 2

The DORA register

Jimi Piggott-Bader, Bas Jennen and Leonard van den Ende explore a key record-keeping requirement under DORA: the register of information.

Bas Jennen: “Meeting the requirements for the DORA register brings out many important questions under DORA which we’ve been advising clients on.

Spotify Listen to this episode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Episode 1

Introducing DORA

Jimi Piggott-Bader, Gonzalo Diaz and Simon Treacy introduce DORA: what it does, who is affected and what rules are still under development.

Gonzalo Diaz: “DORA aims to address a patchwork of obligations scattered among various legislation and harmonise digital operational resilience rules across the EU financial sector.”

Spotify Listen to this episode on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

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