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Speakers: Alyssia Mechalikh, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg, Louis-Eudes Giroux, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg.
Whether it is moral or sexual, any claim of harassment cannot be ignored or wished away – it must be addressed. In this episode, we look at what an employer should do to prevent, manage and terminate harassment within its company.
Speakers: Audrey Bertolotti, Counsel Dispute Resolution/Employment, Luxembourg, Louis-Eudes Giroux, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg
Whether this takes the form of embezzlement of company’s revenue or cash from client’s account open in your company, or even theft of equipment, all of these situations require a coherent and rapid response from your company. Here, in our seventh edition we take a look at an embezzlement by an employee.
Speaker: Louis-Eudes Giroux, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg
In our sixth edition we offer a quick-fire steps to take should a Police dawn-ride hits your business.
Speaker: Audrey Bertolotti, Counsel Dispute Resolution/Employment, Luxembourg
In our fifth edition you will find a fast, clear and concise instructions to guide you through the first steps to take in any unexpected business disruption or impropriety. Here, in our fifth edition we take a look at on-site inspections conducted by the Labour Inspection (Inspection du Travail et des Mines ‘ITM’).
Speaker: Catherine Freichel, Junior Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg
Here, we offer a clear advice in how to respond to a ransomware attack, where a user is tricked into running a malicious software virus on their computer. It is your step-by-step guide to handling the immediate aftermath of one of the most common cyber-crimes.
Speaker: Louis-Eudes Giroux, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg
Here, in our third edition we take a look at on-site inspections conducted by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and the Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA).
Speaker: Audrey Bertolotti, Counsel Dispute Resolution/Employment, Luxembourg
Here, in our second edition we take a look at seizure occurring on your employees’ wages. As the employer may be held liable for the amounts to be withhold, it is worth going through the steps of such proceedings.
Speaker: Louis-Eudes Giroux, Associate, Dispute Resolution, Luxembourg
While it pays to be vigilant all year round, the summer months are a prime time for professional fraudsters. Our 5-minute podcast spells out what your immediate actions should be when fraud is first discovered.
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