02 Juli 2024
Our update on patent litigation cases summarises key decisions from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, and the Unified Patent Court. This time, a major focus has been on the Unified Patent Court, which has been operational for over a year and shown that it will not hesitate to leave its mark.
29 November 2023
After many years in the making, the Unified Patent Court (UPC) finally started its operations on 1 June. It has accumulated a fair number of cases by now and even issued its first decisions in the first month, with additional decisions coming out regularly now.
We have therefore included a dedicated section on the UPC in this latest edition of our update, which also comprises summaries of the most relevant decisions from the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Belgium.
07 Dezember 2022
Linklaters has published its first cross-border patent litigation update covering the most relevant developments in the UK, Germany, France and Belgium. The featured developments include decisions from the UK and France on the availability of preliminary injunctions before the grant of a patent, a judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice on the grant of exclusive licenses with retroactive effect and, lastly, a draft law published by the Belgian legislator that is intended to simplify and improve the patent grant procedure.